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Conquer Burnout: 25 Tips To Stay Energized at Work

Conquer Burnout: 25 Tips To Stay Energized at Work


In a world where the hustle never takes a coffee break, burnout has become all too common in our professional lives. According to the 2021 Work and Well-being Survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, nearly 60% of workers reported experiencing negative impacts of work-related stress.

Embracing a holistic approach that interweaves physical self-care, mental resilience, and emotional intelligence allows us to empower ourselves to navigate the relentless demands of our professional and personal lives. Discover renewed vigor and a balanced perspective by following these easy tips.

1. Prioritize Self-Care

Woman Holding Cat
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Remember, you’re not a robot. Good sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise aren’t just for health magazines — they’re your secret weapons against becoming a workplace zombie.

Sometimes, this is easier said than done, however. The easiest approach is to make small changes and build them up over time.

2. Set Clear Boundaries

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Work isn’t a 24/7 all-you-can-eat buffet. Set limits, or you’ll end up mentally absorbing those endless work hours.

Switching your brain between work and home life can be hard, so setting clear times for work and play is important. It’s a small shift, but one that makes a big impact in your day-to-day life.

3. Take Regular Breaks

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Think of breaks as mini-vacations for your brain. If you can take a break that involves walking outside and getting some fresh air, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the day.

While there is varying guidance about the length and timing of breaks, it’s best to do what works for you and your workplace. If you find it challenging, make an appointment in your calendar for daily breaks.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Woman Yoga
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Mindfulness isn’t just for monks. According to Healthline, studies indicate meditation effectively reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels, which diminishes the harmful effects of stress, such as inflammation and cognitive difficulties.

It helps improve symptoms of stress-related conditions, promoting better mental well-being and emotional health. Meditation is also helpful in reducing anxiety and improves sleep.

5. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

A woman drinks from a reusable water bottle while exploring outdoors.
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While water is a great healthy choice, it’s a myth that you need to drink eight glasses of it a day. Any liquid will keep you hydrated as long as it’s not loaded with fats and sugars.

Listen to your body, but also drink fluids regularly throughout the day, before you are thirsty. The thirst signal typically means you’re already dehydrated.

6. Exercise Regularly

Home Exercises So Effective You Can Finally Dump That Unused Gym Membership
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Guess what? You don’t need a gym membership or special clothes to exercise. Going for a 30-minute walk once a day has so many advantages, and doing it regularly has more benefits than just burning calories.

Walking is a free and easy activity that has a positive impact on both your physical and mental health. Of course, if you prefer working out at the gym, that’s great too.

7. Seek Social Support

Two women talking over lunch.
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A problem shared is a problem halved. Talk about work stress with trusted friends or colleagues. Having a support system can provide relief and new perspectives on stressful situations.

You can even do this with online work communities. If you don’t already have one, create a channel where you can invite colleagues for a “water cooler” talk.

8. Delegate Tasks

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Delegating isn’t just for bosses. Sometimes, you feel like you’re the only person who can do a particular job. The truth is, there are often people who can take some of the workload.

Figure out who they are and redistribute the burden so it’s no longer overwhelming. Making your to-do list more manageable helps beat the burnout blues.

9. Rearrange Your Workspace

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Turn your workspace into a vibe space. Who says you can’t have a plant army or a shrine to your favorite comic character? Okay, maybe your boss will object if it’s over-the-top, but just taking some time to clean, reorganize, and add a few personal touches will make you feel like you can accomplish anything.

Surround yourself with items that make you happy. A more enjoyable and organized workspace can lift your spirits.

10. Set Realistic Goals

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Image Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

Aim for the stars, but maybe don’t try building the rocket in one day. Have you ever heard the acronym KISS? According to The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English, it was used by the Navy in the 1960s as a design principle and stood for Keep It Simple, Stupid.

There are more positive versions today, but you get the idea. Don’t overcomplicate things or set unrealistic goals that are difficult to achieve. 

11. Learn To Recognize Stress Signals

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Your body’s stress signals are like annoying pop-up ads. Recognize them early and close them before they crash your system.

If you find yourself snapping at people, struggling to focus, or feeling anxious, it’s time to slow down. Find an outlet like exercise or meditation to ease stress.

12. Maintain a Positive Attitude

happy woman working on a laptop
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Be the office optimist. If this isn’t naturally who you are, it can be difficult to switch your thinking.

You can train yourself to be more optimistic, however. Start by being aware when you’re being negative. Remind yourself of the good things in your day, and remember — setbacks are temporary.

13. Use a Gratitude Journal

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Image Credit: Khwanchai AMstocker/Shutterstock.

Journaling helps you maintain that positive attitude you’re creating. You can grab a themed journal from Amazon or just a notebook to jot down the little things you’re grateful for each day.

When your brain is in an afternoon fog, try taking a break outside and bring your journal with you. Several studies show that practicing gratitude influences our overall health and paves the way to better relationships.

14. Pursue a Hobby

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Hobbies are like personal side quests. Conquer them for fun and the glory of escaping work’s grasp, even if it’s just for a few hours a week.

Take some time to research a hobby that might interest you. For some people, painting and drawing are relaxing — for others, it’s gardening. Remember, you don’t have to be amazing at a new hobby. It’s purely just some dedicated “me time.”

15. Limit Overtime

Man, laptop, writing, headset, meeting, work, home
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Remember, overtime should be an exception, not the rule. You’re a professional, not a vampire — don’t let work drain the life out of you.

We all want to make more money, but striking a balance is important. While it may be tempting to work through a weekend, prioritize yourself and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

16. Use Vacation Days

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Image Credit: CandyRetriever/Shutterstock.

We all know that person who hasn’t taken a vacation day in years. They’re saving the PTO for some unknown purpose.

Vacation days are there for a reason, however. Don’t let them feel abandoned and lonely! You need the time off to recharge your batteries.

17. Avoid Excessive Caffeine

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Your daily coffee contributes to your hydration needs and may give you a bit of a pick-me-up. For many of us, it’s a ritual that signals the start of the work day.

Coffee is great, but if you drink too much, you might start vibrating into another dimension. Try some of the other things on this list instead of reaching for another cup of joe.

18. Practice Time Management

woman worrying, trying to be punctual with anxiety checking time on watch
Image Credit: Andrii Iemelianenko and Shutterstock.

Organize your time like it’s a game of Tetris. Fit everything in neatly and don’t let the blocks pile up to the top.

This is easier said than done, but there are tools out there to help you. Try a platform like Monday or take one of the many inexpensive courses on Udemy to help you achieve your time management goals.

19. Find Meaning in Your Work

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Many of us desire the sense that our roles have an impact on others and that we are contributing positively to the broader world. The reality is that many people are in roles that are repetitive and filled with a multitude of stresses.

Karen Dillon, who co-wrote How Will You Measure Your Life? suggests reflecting on how your abilities, talents, and enthusiasm can assist your organization in tackling the challenges posed by the current situation. Aim to adapt your role to align with your expertise and driving forces.

20. Learn New Skills

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Learning keeps your brain spicy. Add new skills to your career like they’re hot sauce. Remember, it doesn’t have to be related to your work.

Maybe you have always wanted to learn a new language, or perhaps something like radio interests you. There are volunteer organizations that would love your help, and you can learn new skills at the same time.

21. Adjust Your Work Hours

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Don’t force the early bird routine if you’re not a morning person. This may require some negotiation with your current workplace.

While it’s not always possible to adjust your work hours, it will benefit you in the long run if you can do it to suit your internal clock. A flexible work arrangement goes a long way in beating burnout.

22. Listen to Music

Woman, Headphones, music, listen, hear, relax, eyes closed, happy
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Merriam Saunders, psychotherapist and professor at Dominican University, described how music influences the brain: music creates dopamine, activating the prefrontal cortex responsible for planning, organizing, and attention.

However, it depends on your taste in music — so if you can put in those earbuds on the job, enjoy your own personal work concert. If you find it challenging to work while listening to music, consider taking short music breaks throughout the day.

23. Implement “Tech-Free” Times

a woman reading
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In this digital age, constant connectivity can significantly contribute to burnout. Set specific times during your day or week when you disconnect from all work-related technology.

This means no emails, work calls, or checking professional messages. Use this time to engage in relaxing or joyful activities, allowing your mind a complete break from work-related stressors.

24. Cultivate a Mindful Commute

Woman listening to radio music while driving and singing
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Transform your daily commute into a rejuvenating experience. Instead of viewing this time as a stressful or lost part of your day, use it for mindful activities like listening to calming music, audiobooks, and podcasts that interest you.

If you’re not driving, you can even practice breathing exercises. This approach can help you mentally prepare for the day ahead or unwind from a busy workday.

25. Seek Professional Help if Needed

a man talks to his therapist
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Sometimes, a pro is what you need. It’s like calling tech support for your brain. Often, burnout can stem from deeper, underlying issues that aren’t immediately apparent or easy to manage alone, such as chronic stress, anxiety, or even depression.

A mental health professional, like a therapist or counselor, can provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to your specific situation. They offer a safe, confidential space to explore and understand the root causes of your issues. With their guidance, you can develop effective coping mechanisms, learn stress management techniques, and gain perspective on your work-life balance.



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